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Enola Download For Pc [addons]


Updated: Mar 16, 2020

About This Game Enola is a psychological adventure game that delves into the inherent darkness of love, death and revenge. As Enola, you must survive a macabre world conjured up by the tortured memories of her lover, Angelica.Immersed in this emotionally-charged and gripping story, as you decipher challenging death-traps. However, choose your path very carefully - An evil presence lurks in the shadows, watching your every move...Heavy on atmosphere, Enola is an experience that will crawl under your skin and stay there long after you’ve uncovered the disturbing mystery of this twisted, psychological nightmare.Story-driven - Enola is an adventure game that presents a captivating and intriguing story of death, revenge, and above all, love.Multiple endings - Your actions will ultimately decide whether or not you will be able to help Angelica.Suspense without paranormal elements - Enola pushes the emotional boundaries of the player, putting them in an isolated, defenseless state of mind. Unconstrained mechanics - The mix of first person mechanics and old-school adventure games allows players to keep track of clues and figure out puzzles without the constraints of traditional point-and-click interfaces. Frighteningly calculated traps - Death traps meant to put players' nerves to the test, where failing can mean death.Superb voice acting and musical score. - Enola now offers a spine chilling soundtrack and immersive voice acting and sound effects. Superb voice acting and musical score.NIGHTMARE MODE: The updated ‘Nightmare Mode’ includes the anticipated and chilling in-depth look to Angelica’s broken mind, in addition to revelations about her traumatic past. New areas to explore are part of the update, as is three new endings, and predictions to the girl’s future… 1075eedd30 Title: EnolaGenre: Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:The DomaginariumPublisher:Black Shell MediaRelease Date: 18 Sep, 2014 Enola Download For Pc [addons] This was a tough one to review. The game tackles some difficult topics and handles them tactfully. But unfortunately that's the most positive thing that can be said.Granted, this game certainly gives you more hours than the average horror game on steam. But they weren't always worthwhile hours. The game started out strong but then after a while the niggles started to creep in. And after a while, I felt the game just didn't respect the my time at all.For starters, the save system. It is pretty horrible. You can only save at designated spots denoted by music boxes. And you only have 5 save slots. And none of them have timestamps. So I would advise you to have a sheet of paper on your desk with five columns and move something between them to indicate the latest so you can keep track. And you'll want to save over a new slot each time so you have a history of 5 saves that goes as far back as possible in case you encounter any game-breaking bugs.Now, on the subject of these bugs, there's the already well documented game-breaking bug where if you save after a certain combination puzzle you can stall your game (which thankfully I found out about and avoided). And then I encountered my own game-breaker that I haven't seen anyone else spot. It was in the bit where you had to collect the combination dials for said puzzle. When I encountered one of the dials, it could not be picked up at all. It looked like it could be picked up but had no orange brackets around it. Thankfully I was able to go back in my saves far enough that this issue didn't reoccur and I could lift it.Now on to the puzzles. Now to be fair some were challenging and I got them and others were challenging and I couldn't and had to resort to a walkthrough, and that's fine. But some were just thrown in as if the developer just felt they needed more puzzles to pad out the game length. Like there was a ridiculous prime number puzzle which had absolutely nothing to do with the plot whatsoever at one point which set my opinion of the game back a mile.Also, there was some blatant non-puzzle padding, for example later on where you had to listen to a dialogue voiceover, the game actually deployed gates to stop you moving further, even though there was no need. And these gates lifted once the voiceover was over. And shortly after that there was a section with a lot of walking to flick a couple of switches, with no brainpower involved whatsoever, and then out of no-where, a trap door insta-kills you with no warning. Completely disrespecting the player and their time, and forcing you to go through the long, pointlessly gated voiceover and the flick-switching all over again. That was the straw I think that pushed my very tentative recommendation to a firm not recommended.There was also an unnecessary amount of platforming in this game. The controls are definitely not sufficient for this, as you don't even have a jump button. And you can get stuck on furniture and plummet to your death, and a death that is a long way from a save point at that, which is a perfect recipe for player frustration.Graphically the game was pretty poor too. But although it's not the be-all and end all, it would have made it easier to redo those boring sections if they had looked nicer.Also I'm pretty sure the game didn't remember at least a couple of my saves.Voice acting was a mixed bag. The main actresses were surprisingly good, but one of the villains was more than a little bit laughable. The story was also a little bit muddled to me. I mean the main theme and crux of the game came through clear enough, but some of the side details just left me a bit puzzled, and especially the ending I got went over my head a bit (there are 6, I will not be getting the others). What doesn't help is there are countless spelling\/grammar mistakes and awkward phrasing throughout the notes you pick up, where they don't do a lot for the immersion. Also, the subtitles don't match the dialogue voiceovers a ridiculous number of times.The game is actually fairly light on the frights. It's more of a harrowing tale, but they do throw in a few jumpscares which got me good. Which generally consist of you being jumped by a shadowy figure after you come through a door and you have to fend them off by mashing the WASD and clicking the mouse button constantly. A frenzied reaction which actually fit rather well as a game mechanic.But ultimately, it was just lacking in a lot of polish overall. Beyond all the above, there's a simple example of how little the game was tested: when you die from falling the game thinks you were actually bested by one of the shadow figures (probably the most common cause of death) and gives you advice on how to fend them off (or at least I think it was them it was referring to, the advice was cutoff mid-sentence) in the future by mashing the keys which is more than a little confusing. And for a game that's been out this long it is beyond unlikely that we'll see this game be brought up to the level it should.Avoid, there are far better low budget horror games out there, for far cheaper too e.g. Like Clay, The Survey, Left Alone, Astray. First off, if you were a victim of\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 sexual abuse, child abuse, and\/or any of above, it is best not to play this game. Steer clear from it. This will probably trigger your past moments. I know there are people in this world who are victims of such things, and playing this made it feel so real. I'm not kidding.Right. Now onto the review.Enola is a psychological story about your girlfriend named Angelica. You play as Enola, and yes you're a girl, and I'm talking about the girl on girl lesbian love, not best friend love. About Angelica...let's just say she did not have a pleasant past.Graphics:I love the detail of the objects and stages in the game. The only problem, however, are the human figures you come across. They were kinda weird and didn't sync right. I find that the areas get more disturbing in Nightmare Mode than Normal Mode. It's not gorey based or anything, but has some blood in it and pictures that will easily burn into your brain. Other than that, the areas of the game give it more of a vintage style with a hint of steampunk.Voice Acting:The voice acting is pretty good. Whoever did Angelica's voice did a great job, especially when it comes to expressing her sorrow and anger. Astrid's voice sounds a bit an evil teenage high school student-type voice. Enola's voice acting was okay, except at the beginning of the ending, it sounded like she just recited her lines. However, her crying and screaming were good. Finally, "The Monster's" voice acting was spot-on perfect. The guy really put himself in the game there, acted like a monster for sure. Out of all the voice actors, I'd pick him to be the best.Gameplay:The game has a small, yet simple inventory system. It counts the lamps you come across during the game, as they reveal a little extra at the end of the good ending. As for the difficulty curve, it's more of a "spike up" at certain times, as a few times you'll feel so stumped that you may have to search or check for guides for help.In the game, you come across choices of murdering certain people, which will affect the ending. The game as a save feature, where you interact with Music Boxes to save. There is a battle system. Randomly, you come across shadowy figures and you must click the mouse and mash the W,A,S,D keys to defend yourself.With the recent update, it has two modes: Normal and Nightmare. Nightmare mode is like a small expansion pack with increase difficulty and to collect crystals, which will reveal Angelica's and Enola's moments together. Collecting crystals will affect the ending as well.The problem I have with this game is the constant bugs. So far, there is only one gamebreaking bug and one bug that is fixable using the console. Otherwise, most bugs are either aesthetic and\/or annoyances that can kill you. Luckily, the game gives you plenty of moments to save. The developer is also active in assisting players to this day (and even assisted me with my guides for the game :D ), which I must give props for. The console is also enabled to help combat the bugs as well or to speed through the game.Story:The story focuses on Enola and Angelica. As I said, Angelica did not have a pleasant past so start to feel here. You play as Enola, her girlfriend. One day, she just disappears, and suddenly you're in a strange world. As you play through the story, you understand Angelica's traumatic past, her parents, and how she met Enola. You come across letters that communicate with you and lamps that reveal Angelica's parent's past and some facts about Enola. I could reveal more, but I think the first paragraph at the beginning of the review will give you an idea of what it is like.Overall:Regardless of the many bugs and some strange stuff with the graphics, Enola is an indie horror game that shines. What makes the game awesome is the immersive story and great voice acting that makes you feel for the characters in the story. Most horror enthusiasts think that it takes blood, gore, and disfigured people to make you scared. However, Enola apparently knows which strings to pull to make you feel disturbed, sad, and even scared without the above.Pros:-Great horror story.-Unique characters.-Pretty good graphics.-Great voice acting.Cons:-Buggy at certain points of the game, but you can still play through without coming across them.-Some weirdness in graphics related to human models.-Increase of difficulty at certain points of the game.. First up, yes, this game does have some fairly "heavy" and\/or "dark" themes that it explores. Get over it, boys and girls! Are we seriously at a stage in human development where art forms purporting to work in the "horror" genre need to wear kid gloves? For \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665's sake. GROW UP. On to the next non-controversy, then... Yes, this is basically just a "walking simulator", with a couple of tricky puzzles, a bit of timing-based "trap" avoidance, a couple of enemies to outrun or hide from, and a tiny bit of "combat" governed by quick-time button mashing. So why I am about to give it a pretty decent review? 'Cause within these confines, and given its obvious low-budget\/"indie" credentials, IT'S REALLY GOOD. It's moody, atmospheric, interesting, and even has a couple of decent "jump scares" for added measure. Is it going to frighten the bejesus out of you more than, say, Outlast? No. Not on an immediate, "superficial" level, certainly. Is it going to completely change\/"shatter" your world? Probably not, unless you're one of the big babies I alluded to in the first paragraph of this review. It's a game, it's a short game, but it's a GOOD game. Not earth-shattering...but good. Solid. Well worth playing. Possibly not worth the full asking price of $14.99, so you may want to wait for a sale. But if you want a genuinely intriguing - if largely derivative - "indie" horror game with a bit of a story, you can do a heck of a lot worse than this. Plus, as an added bonus, it has LESBIANS, if that's the kind of thing that floats your boat (though it's not quite as good as Gone Home, just for the record, and the end "boss battle" is just straight-up \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ing LUDICROUS). Verdict: 8\/10.. ~* Spoiler Free Review *~<h1>Gameplay<\/h1>The gameplay itself is fairly simple--assuming you use the guide. The puzzles were just challenging enough to be fun (for me, as a casual gamer), but I can't imagine playing without the guide and not getting frustrated, as many of the puzzles are not intuitive. Of course, if you're a hardcore gamer, you're probably going to have an easier time figuring things out, but I have a low frustration point and found the guide immeasurably useful. Beyond that, mechanics are simple--basically walking simulator\/point-and-click. The atmosphere was on point, and there was just enough interesting backdrop to make a little exploration fun. There are a lot of glitches, but I will not cover them here as they are generally well-covered in other reviews as well as the community guide. Having said that, none of them were game-breaking for me, merely mildly annoying is all.<h1>Story<\/h1>And here is where this game absolutely excels. The story is dark and honest, and I found myself getting pulled deeper and deeper into the devastating and yet oddly hopeful world the devs created. I agree with many other reviews that sexual abuse survivors should tread extremely carefully. As one myself, I thoroughly enjoyed the story but, as evidenced by my hours played, had to step away often to take a breather and at one point, my anxiety medication.That said, if you feel you can play this game and be safe, please do.However, I think the story is even more important to those who have not experienced what survivors have. It offers a deep glimpse into how evil can sometimes beget evil, and may help others to understand how hard it is to fight the darkness inside you, particularly when the darkness is not of your own making.Do you escape the monster and carry on with your life, or do you let the hate inside you grow and consume you until there's nothing left? It may be easier to make this choice within in the safety of a video game than in real life, but as far as Enola goes? Not <i>that<\/i> much easier.Thanks for reading and play with care!. I want to go ahead and say that I'll be doing a review when I actually beat the game as well. Enola is one of those games that isn't going to be remembered for it's graphics, or framerate, or anything really game related. Enola is a psychological horror game (to me at least so far) that's all about exploring the darkness of the mind of your girlfriend, Angelica, and discovering what the mind does to you after a series of terrible events. Without giving t much aware, Angelica went through some pretty godawful things in her past, and it's haunted her to this day, so far that she descends into madness, and you, Enola, have to take a step into that madness to save the woman you love. Now, off the bat, this game doesn't look as good most, and the sound isn't great, but for what the game is going for in terms of: creating a world that makes no sense and isn't for the weak of willed, or stomachs. The game throws you into creepy mannequin ladies, an eerie island, and cryptic clues scattered everywhere as to what's going on. From what I've played through so far, it's an interesting game with a lot of interesting ideas, even if it could look better. The controls are a bit stiff, but my experience so far has been a great build-up to whatever resolution lies as the end of this mystery. If you want a dark but interesting thriller kind of game, I reccommend this so far. I don't know if this will be my final opinion though, so I can't completely confirm it yet, but so far it's be enjoyable enough to reccommend to others!


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